나의 하루 새벽루틴의 시작
아놀드 슈워제네거 동기부여 영상
영상에 이미 한글 자막이 있어요 이분 영상 자주 보는데 그냥 계속 볼게 아니라 전 이걸로 영어공부 하려고 합니다.
새벽 루틴을 위해 한 200번 이상 봤는데 그냥 볼께 아니라 나의 새벽 루틴을 가지고 영어공부를 해보려고요~
이분이 번역 해봤으니까 영어단어장과 다른 영상들을 취합해서 공부해보려고 합니다.
일딴 영상에 있는데로 써보고 그냥 이해해 보려고 합니다
I believed what the Nelson Mandela said that
저는 넬슨 만델라가 한 말을 믿습니다.
"You know everything is always impossible until someone does it"
모든것은 누구가 하기 전까지 항상 불가능하다
Then obvious and say "oh, yeah. that could be possible."
그러면 여러분은 " 오 가능 할 수도 있었구나" 하겠지요
You know I think the secret to success.
제 생각엔 성공의 비밀은
It doesn't matter if you come from a little village or from a big town.
여러분이 작은 마을에 왔는지 도시에서 왔는지 상관없습니다
There's one thing that you have to do and that is you, have to first of all, work your ass off.
여러분이 할 일은 무엇보다 정말 열심히 해야 한다는 겁니다.
And number two you have to have a very clear vision of where you want to go.
그리고 두 번째는 당신이 가고 싶은 곳에 대한 매우 명확한 비전을 가져야합니다.
You have to be brave.
용감해 지세요.
You have to be tough.
You have to have to discipline to follow through.
그리고 성공을 하기 위해 훈련을 하세요.
Look. Everyone has a problem with time, but today is 24 hours and we sleep 6.
I know there's some out there that say "woah, woah, woah..
I need 8."
but I say to sleep a little faster because the bottom line is we have 6 hours of sleep.
24 hours are available, so you have 18 hours are available
to your work, your family, hour hobbies
and also to learn something new or to do something new .
which could easily be that you want to learn a new language
or you say "I'm gonna go and reshape my body!"
So you're gonna go and take this hour out of your schedule.
and say "I'm gonna train an hour every day!"
So this is, for most people, if you a huge challenge, but it is totally doable.
I can tell them! Because the kind of things that I did, when I came to this country, I mean...
I went to school, I was working in construction, I was working out my 5 hours a day.
I was taking acting classes from 8 o'clock at night to 12 midnight.
I was doing all of those things.
I wanted to make sure that out of the 24 hours of the day.
I don't waste one single hour. Those hours were too precious
and so then I just want to tell people. "Don't give me this thing.
I have a difficult time at the time and I don't have time for this none of that."
You have time! You make the time!
Wherever I go people ask me all the time "What is the secret to success?"
Find your vision! And follow it!
You see I think it's the most important thing that you have a very clear vision of where we go.
A goal... Where do we go?
Because you can have the best ship in the world. you can have the best cruise liner.
But if the captain does not know where to go,
that ship will drift around the world and out there that sea.
And we'll never end up anywhere. And this is exactly the way it is in real life.
If you don't have a goal, if you don't have a vision,
you just drift around. You're not gonna be happy.
The simple truth is if you don't have a vision, if you don't have a goal,
if you don't see your future laid out in front of you, you are just floating around without a purpose.
Never, ever think smal!
The biggest challenge most people have is because they think small.
And the reason why people think small and why they choose small, little goals
is because they are afraid to fail.
They know that, if you shoot for a big goal, then the chances of failure are very high.
And they are afraid of failing.
It's one of the most common things why people are frozen,
why they can't make a move in life, because they're scared of failing.
I say to myself. "Hey, I'm not worried about failing
because that's part of life!"
You're not gonna be going win everything!
And how far can you fall? this is the ground. That's as far as I can fall!
And you know something?
The only time you really consider the failure is if you fall and you don't get up.
So remember, never think small, think big!
Work your ass off!
You never want to fail, because you didn't work hard enough.
And it doesn’t matter what area you’re in!
No pain, no gain!
Just remember you can climb that ladder of success with your hands in your pockets.
You must work your ass off! It's that simple.
Have a vision!
Think big!
Ignore the nay-sayers!
Work your ass off!
And give back and change the world!
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